Carpentry Industry
There are 139,900 carpenters working in Australia earning an average of $80,000 annually.
The market size of the Carpentry Services industry in Australia was $13.9bn in 2024.
There are over 50,000 Carpentry Services Businesses in Australia.
28.9% of carpenters live in Victoria.
Almost one third of carpenters in Australia are self-employed.
The construction industry in Australia is growing rapidly, with new residential and commercial projects being undertaken every day. Given the volume of infrastructure projects and residential expansion plans, the need for carpenters remains strong. In 2020 there were 126,600 working carpenters. This number has now grown to 139,900 in 2024.
Carpenters in Australia have many opportunities to work for themselves, with one of the highest rates of self-employment in the country among any trade. This is particularly true for those who specialise in niche areas such as furniture making or timber framing. Self-employment can offer greater flexibility and earning potential, making it an attractive option for many carpenters who go on to start their own small business.
With the increasing demand for skilled carpenters in Australia, driven by a thriving construction sector and a rise in self-employment opportunities, Carpentry Expo serves as an essential platform for businesses to sell directly to an engaged market of business owners with buying power.